We are finally getting our apartment painted thanks to our landlord. The painter came and did both bedrooms, the hallway and half of the "living-dining-kitchen" room. He still has a second coat on the big composite room and a wall in the kitchen.
We did 2 walls in Fairfax Brown. As we have extraordinarily high ceilings, it makes the room very warm and cozy. Only things it that one of the walls is textured. When I came home and saw the wet, freshly-painted wall, it made me hungry for big gooey brownies.
Our bedroom is pretty decadent. Our sage green walls are complemented by an enormous ficus that we inherited from my boyfriend's sister. She has been taking care of it for ELEVEN years.
I was browsing the Urban Dictionary today and decided that the phrase " c'est-pas-une-eglise-icitte" was cool, so I thought that I would put in on my blog. I'm really simple. I know.
I really need to get my commuter bike tuned up. I'm feeling really wimpy (yet privilaged) to drive to work everyday. I have parking as a benefit from my online high school job.
Green Chili Chicken Noodle Soup
2 days ago