I was on the bus yesterday and first of all I believe that the Transit Librarian drove me down Nicollet on the 18.
Anyway, once at 4th and Nicollet there was a family with a small boy, about the age of Josua in Life is Beautiful. The reason why I thought of the little boy from that film is because he had the same intonation and voice. They were speaking a Slavic language that I couldn't pin down exactly. Anyway, we all got on the 16 going east and the family had a huge selection of seats to choose from because it was noonish on a Saturday. They sat all together in 2 seats with the boy in between on their laps. They were sitting behind me so I sort of zoned out and watched the landscape flip past until at Cedar I realized that the couple had whipped out a book and was reading to the child. I was curious about the content and the father was reading it rather quickly. At Cedar he said, "Ama, Ama, Ama" and continued as if to say, "said the blah blah blah blah blah".
Needless to say, it was very comforting and the mother laughed everysooften as well.
When I got up I ruled out a Slavic language that uses Cyrillic because I peeked over their shoulder and saw the Roman alphabet. Polish?
Green Chili Chicken Noodle Soup
3 days ago
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