I have spent many a pleasant walk home from work down the newly carless Nicollet Mall, but this evening was my first ride down it on my bicycle. For people not in Minneapolis, Nicollet Mall is not an enclosed shopping mall or anything. It is a semi-pedestrian thoroughfare from the Mississippi River to southern downtown (essentially Orchestra Hall). Typically the only vehicles allowed down it were taxis, emergency vehicles, and buses. Metro Transit is trying out making the Mall bus-free from 6:30-11:30 every night because of the noise that disrupts evening dining al-fresco. At first I was a little inconvenienced because the buses now go down Hennepin, but now I'm convinced that they actually go faster down Hennepin.
Anyway, it was extremely pleasant because it felt like a bike street that is actually near people (as opposed to the bike super highway, the Greenway, which BTW will be closed for 1-2 days during the week of August 15)
Green Chili Chicken Noodle Soup
3 days ago
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