I'm impressed that I stayed on OIFS blogroll and I'm a little sad that one kid stopped blogging about bicycles and bathrooms. It is my last week at CCLC. It is a sad one, but I'm ready to move on. I've downloaded as much of my knowledge as possible into our new student worker. We even had beinah telepathic experience. And they hired a resourceful new web person.
I've been trying not to freak out too much about my prospects. I managed to completely finish my B.A. in Linguistics this May. So now I'm a little closer to actually being a linguist. I will post the final draft of the page-turner senior project "Nominalization in Dene Suline" later. I've been applying to different places at the U. A large percentage actually made it through Donhowe. So far I have had one call for an interview. I don't know why I won't get this because they seem really harried and busy. I hope that I fall in with a bunch of kooks, like I normally do. It is possible that I draw the kookiness out of people, so in that case, no worries.
I get to go to Boston on Friday for a few days for my volunteering thing. That should be fun.
Green Chili Chicken Noodle Soup
3 days ago
1 comment:
You should drop by my shop one of these days. I have a sweet bike you should try. Sorry to leave this here, but I lost whatever contact info I had for you.
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