I just started my part-time admin assistant job this week and it comes with a Compaq nx6110 laptop! I'm living my fantasy of sitting around in a coffee shop and working on a laptop. I think that I will actually get a banjo brothers bag now with a laptop sleeve as I don't really have a suitable bag for this thing yet.
I'm on my way to the 5th Congressional District DFL Debate at the Temple Israel tonight at 7:30pm. I was chatting with my new boss about this election and it wasn't even supposed to have a debate because the MN DFL wanted to put their energy behind the governor race (more important races) then a shoe-in election to replace Martin Sabo in a District that has been Democratic since time began. But some candidates didn't want to take the endorcement convension into account so here we are with a debate. I'm always up for a debate. Bring it on.
Green Chili Chicken Noodle Soup
2 days ago