I've been getting a real kick out of riding my Schwinn Traveller to work. I splurged for a bike locker (#56 by Smith! I feel like a rock star, last time I investigated getting one, all they had for me was in St. Paul or at the Huron Lots.) with the idea that when I'm leaving in the morning I would more quickly grab my bike than spend $2 for the bus or $3.25 for a spot in the Huron Lots.
I'm a little upset that the bus is now $2 dollars during rush hour. The $1.75 was bad enough but there was clever psychology built into it. I know that I could get a Metropass but I have been noticing that, for me living in a neighborhood that butts up against downtown Minneapolis, clearly I get a LOT more exercise if I bike, but a surprising amount if I drive too, because of the 10-15 minute walk from the Huron Lots to my building. The bus picks my doughy ass up a block from my house and deposits me roughly 100 m from my building.
With the bike superhighway closed this week, I found another super slick way to get to work. It has 2 freeway overpasses, which aren't as tedious as I thought they would be. I really enjoy the human interaction on the one near the MIA. For years I've seen that 24th street is identified on bike maps as a friendly alternative to Franklin. I went on 24th in my youth and found it really frightful. Now it is really pleasant. I don't know if the city changed the street so people don't try to make 2 lanes (I think that was the problem) or if I have just become more brave.
Anyway, here are my favorite routes from Whittier to the University of Minnesota's East Bank.
Through Downtown (IMO best if it is raining):
1. Take Nicollet to 12th street (street, cars don't tend to bother you, you really must book it to get away from the buses, tho. When I bussed I was also so impressed with the volume of cyclers making their way up Eat Street in all weather)
2. Turn right on 12th (bike lane, left side, one way going with bike lane)
3. Turn left on 2nd Ave (bike lane, middle lane, going against cars and with buses)
4. Turn right on the street after Washington (bike lane, right side, two-way)
5. Turn left at 5th Ave from the middle of the road (genteel 4-way stop, please at least put your foot down so that I will be treated well at that intersection)
6. Go down the little ramp, carefully cross the west river road
7. Take a relaxing ride on the Stone Arch bridge
8. Get onto 6th St SE and turn right at University.
Down 24th Street:
1. Take the pedestrian bridge over 35W (I walk it because it is small, tight and I've seen a lot of elderly on it. One old man teased me with "Why aren't you riding that bike!?" my reply was "Because I'm terrified!" He chuckled and told me that I shouldn't ride my bike over anyway.)
There is a set of stairs on the east side.
2. Get onto 24th street.
3. Go until you get to Cedar (This morning the stretch seemed ridiculously short, I almost didn't believe that I was there when I got there)
4. The next overpass starts right in front of you on the left (I didn't know what that was for years!) This one I ride because it is clearly made for riding and I smile when I see the daisies on the east side.
5. Go over the LRT and take the trail to the left until you get to the Ceder/Riverside station.
6. Take 6th street S to 20th (the block past Cedar) (bike lane, two-way).
7. Turn right on that street in front of CSOM.
8. Turn left past the CSOM subterranean parking garage entrance.
The beloved way on the Greenway:
1. Take the city streets to your favorite/closest entrance ramp.
2. Go on the Greenway to the east
3. At Hiawatha there is an insanely long light to cross
4. Once you cross you are on the Hiawatha trail. Be cautious at 26th Street. Try to time your arrival with the train because then everyone has to stop except for you and the train.
5. Go til the Cedar/Riverside Light Rail station
6. Do steps 6-8 from the route above.
2 weekends ago I rode the entire Gateway Trail there and back.
Last weekend I finally did the West river parkway, Minnehaha creek trail, Lakes trails, Greenway, Hiawatha, back to where we started. It was really fun. I too love the Minnehaha Creek.